Monday, October 20, 2008


We kind of had a slow weekend - good though. I just finished making dinner - pork chops and sauerkraut with apples and sweet potatoes. Could anything say "autumn" better than that? Then, as I was looking out of the kitchen window, I saw a whole herd of fireflies! I really thought it was too cold for them to be out, but there they were, blinking hello to me.

Tomorrow my little Katerina is coming to spend the day. Mommy is away for a few days at a class, so instead of my usual 12:00 to 3:30, we get to spend the whole day, while Daddy goes to work.

I have so much to do lately. I have cleaning, and projects to get started on. Actually I have started the gray felted purse. I've knitted the large rectangle and need to wash it in hot soapy water and dry it on "high" in the dryer. Then I need to get some fabric to line it, sew on some buttons and a velco closure, then it will be finished. The camera is still not working, but it will be by the time the purse is finished so I can post a picture.


Friday, October 17, 2008


Roger and I ran a bunch of errands today. We went to the Building Inspector to try to get a permit for the driveway extension. The HomeOwner's Association wants a permit, the building inspector says it's not necessary. Oy! I'm thinking of making this saga into an opera! I did ask the building inspector to write a letter to the HOA explaining why they don't think a permit is necessary. We may get this done by 2010!

Then food shopping, my favorite thing to do (NOT). I'm back on WW doing the "Core" plan, which means lots of fruit and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, no bread, flour, yada yada. So far I've lost 4.2 pounds last week. I keep looking for new recipes and I made a good chicken recipe yesterday.

Margie's MexiChicken

1 whole chicken breast, split into 2 pieces
2 tsp olive oil
1 can Ro-tel (tomatoes w/jalepeno)
1 cups cooked brown rice
1 can corn, drained
1 can (15 oz.) black beans, drained and rinsed
1 1/2 cups salsa
fat-free sour cream (optional)

1. Salt and pepper to taste, chicken breast and brown in olive oil. When brown, add can of Ro-tel. Cover and cook on low for at least one hour, I let it go for about 2 hours, but keep checking to make sure it doesn't evaporate.

2. 15 minutes before serving, combine brown rice (cooked), drained corn and drained and rinsed beans in pan with salsa. Heat until hot throughout.

3. Plate chicken onto a mound of rice mixture. Garnish with sour cream if desired (I always desire).

Totally core and totally delish (OMG, do I sound like Rachel Ray?).

It got really cold here today. I'm going to have some tea and work on my knitting. Bye all!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Late, Late and Late

It's about 11:30 and I'm trying to stay awake to watch Jay Leno (the headlines, at least). We had quite a busy day, went to Home Depot, back to Broadwell's for some more monkey grass. When we got back I clipped the oleander while Roger planted the monkey grass. I was going to post a picture of it, but the camera batteries were worn out, so they are on the charger as we speak. Tomorrow for sure.

I babysit for Katerina tomorrow afternoon - I think we'll make some cookies for Grandpa.

I finished the scarf and felted it this afternoon. It came out okay, but next time I'll make it narrower and longer. It's really no more than a neck warmer now, so I'm keeping this one. I can't believe how well the yarn from Humbug Farms felts though. I have some gray yarn that I want to knit into a rectangle, then felt it, sew up the sides and make a clutch type purse. I have some pretty heart shaped buttons I think will look nice on the flap. I'll need to get some pretty fabric to line it with, hmmmm, maybe a nice red!

Toodles to all!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Working Saturday

Today Roger and I worked on the garden a little bit. Roger planted the rest of the "monkey grass" - not quite enough, we'll go to the nursery (Broadwell's) on Monday to get some more. We made some starts of the verbena - we have one flat started and a few small pots. We used the light purple verbena, but I also want to start a flat or two of the dark purple. We need quite a bit since we want to use as little mulch as possible. Neither one of us really like the mulch and would rather that we use a nice thick ground cover. The verbena is beautiful and smells soooo good!

When I went inside to make dinner, Roger pulled a huge section of zinnia out of the ground. It was looking rather scraggly, and since it's October we thought it was time to come out. How different the front looks without my beautiful zinnia! They are such cheerful bloomers. But we'll have them back again next year.

Tonight I'm going to finish a knitting project I had started a few weeks ago. It's a scarf made from brown wool that I purchased from Humbug Farms, here in Holly Springs. Basically it's knitted in stockinette stitch, about 8-9 feet long, then gathered in the middle to 6 ft. Then washed in hot water and dried, then blocked. The result is a gathered, felted scarf that looks like a ruffle. If it turns out well, I'll post a photo.

Here is a picture of the last of the bell peppers. I think they are so pretty! (Obviously, I'm still learning how to post pictures, I think I'll get it right next time!)

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Adventure Begins!

Just a little over a year ago, Roger and I packed up our lives and moved to North Carolina. Roger's daughter and son-in-law were transferred here for work bringing our two adorable granddaughters with them. It didn't take long for us to follow! We love it here, and even though neither of us had ever lived here before, we feel like we're home!

We live in a subdivision, in a rather modest 1300 sq. ft. house, but when we drive outside of the subdivision we are in the country! Cows, horses, soybeans and tobacco -- a few miles away they are even growing cotton. We've spent the last year gardening and getting to know our neighbors. I've been knitting, baking and trying to find time for some artwork projects that have been tumbling around in my brain.

This blog is meant to be a diary of sorts - I'll post activities, pictures and random thoughts and I hope you'll enjoy reading it.

Bye for now - Margie