Monday, October 13, 2008

Late, Late and Late

It's about 11:30 and I'm trying to stay awake to watch Jay Leno (the headlines, at least). We had quite a busy day, went to Home Depot, back to Broadwell's for some more monkey grass. When we got back I clipped the oleander while Roger planted the monkey grass. I was going to post a picture of it, but the camera batteries were worn out, so they are on the charger as we speak. Tomorrow for sure.

I babysit for Katerina tomorrow afternoon - I think we'll make some cookies for Grandpa.

I finished the scarf and felted it this afternoon. It came out okay, but next time I'll make it narrower and longer. It's really no more than a neck warmer now, so I'm keeping this one. I can't believe how well the yarn from Humbug Farms felts though. I have some gray yarn that I want to knit into a rectangle, then felt it, sew up the sides and make a clutch type purse. I have some pretty heart shaped buttons I think will look nice on the flap. I'll need to get some pretty fabric to line it with, hmmmm, maybe a nice red!

Toodles to all!

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